The Horses
There are five mares and one male horse each a lovely but with very distinct personalities ...

Color: Chestnut
Breed: Luso-arab
Year of Birth - 2009
Morena a very intelligent and obedient and despite being allways a little bit chubby she is full of energy.

Color: Brown
Breed: Anglo-arab
Year of Birth - 1999
Sultão is very calm and gentle horse that inspires a lot of tranquility.

Color: Chestnut
Breed: Crossbreed
Year of Birth - 2011
Cookie is a strong and strenuous mare, at first she is a little bit tense and but then she fully delivers herself to who is taking care of here.

Color: Isabella
Breed: Lusitano
Year of Birth - 2012
Mimosa is a very kind and curious young mare, she is a little bit distracted but allways tryes to behave well.

Color: Black
Breed: Lusitano cross
Year of Birth - 2010
Diva is the mother of Nina and she is a great mum. She is a very fast learner and easy to ride.

Color: Brown
Breed: Lusitano cross
Date of Birth - 13 of March 2017
Nina is the youngest of the group, she is the daughter of Diva, the father is unknown. She loves to get attention and caresses.
The horses are excited to meet you, carrots and apples are always welcome.